速報APP / 個人化 / Asteroid Belt Free L Wallpaper

Asteroid Belt Free L Wallpaper





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:410 W Pierce St Houston, TX 77019

Asteroid Belt Free L Wallpaper(圖1)-速報App

A beautiful 3D live wallpaper featuring a planetary system and tumbling asteroids! The planets move based on the time of day! Has proper support for home-screen switching, and supports both portrait and landscape mode! Works as a Daydream on 4.2+ devices!

If you enjoy this, get the full version for a complete settings screen, with lots of customization options! Modify the appearance of the planetary system, ring color, orbit speeds, background image, and more!

Asteroid Belt Free L Wallpaper(圖2)-速報App

TO USE: Home->Long Press->Wallpapers

Asteroid Belt Free L Wallpaper(圖3)-速報App

Asteroid Belt Free L Wallpaper(圖4)-速報App

Asteroid Belt Free L Wallpaper(圖5)-速報App

Asteroid Belt Free L Wallpaper(圖6)-速報App